Peluang Terjadinya Immunoglobulin M Berdasarkan Analisis Binary Logistic Faktor Penularan Virus Dengue

Probability of the Immunoglobulin M occurrence based on Binary Logistic Analysis of Dengue Virus Transmission Factors

  • Lukman Hakim Loka Litbang P2B2 Ciamis
  • Damar Tri Boewono B2P2VRP Salatiga, Badan Litbangkes
Keywords: electricity, mosquito eggs, dengue fever, vector eradication


Abstract. Morbidity of dengue hemorrhagic fever is still high due to factors of transmission
has not completely known yet, so that disease control be conducted based on the cases. This
study aimed to obtain information about factors related to the status of IgM anti-dengue virus.
Studies have been conducted in village Klayan district Gunungjati regency Cirebon using
cross sectional design. Variable study is 10 independent variables consist of 5 environment
variables and 5 host variables, whereas dependent variable is status of IgM antidengue
virus. The resulting data were analyzed using bivariate and multivariate analyse to
determine relationship between independent with dependent variable. Of the 400 respondents
surveyed, 56% are known to live in crowded homes, 85% at home with the lighting is
not optimal, 41.5% in home with positive not covered water container, 96% at home with
optimum air temperature, 62% in homes with optimal air humidity, and 23.5% at home with
a positive mosquito Aedes spp larvae. Respondents with outside the home activities in low
categories are 51.5%, nutritional status is not normal are 34%, age group <5 years are
10.5%, ever get DHF are 16%, and positive IgM anti-dengue virus are 17.5 %. Bivariate
analysis showed three independent variables are significantly associated with the dependent
variable, whereas the multivariate analysis was resulted two variables are significantly associated
with the dependent variable. It was concluded, the variables which significantly associated
with status of IgM anti-dengue virus are outside the home occupants activities, nutritional
status and age groups. The estimating of chances of anti-dengue virus IgM can be
calculated based on the activities outside the home occupants and nutritional status variable.


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How to Cite
Hakim L, Boewono D. Peluang Terjadinya Immunoglobulin M Berdasarkan Analisis Binary Logistic Faktor Penularan Virus Dengue. ASP [Internet]. 10Jun.2011 [cited 3Jul.2024];3(1):55-3. Available from: