Daya Proteksi Minyak Biji Ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) dalam Basis Gel Hidroksipropil Metilselulosa sebagai Repelen Aedes aegypti

Protection of Coriander Seed Oil (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) Gel Based as Aedes aegypti Repellent

  • Zefanya M.A.M.P Ogotan
  • Winarko Winarko Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Surabaya
  • Irwan Sulistio Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Surabaya
  • Rusmiati Rusmiati Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Surabaya
Keywords: minyak biji ketumbar, HPMS, repelen Aedes aegypti


Abstrak. Satu upaya pencegahan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue adalah dengan mencegah kontak manusia dan vektornya, yaitu Aedes aegypti. Penelitian repelen nyamuk menggunakan bahan aktif dari alam telah banyak dilakukan, contohnya minyak ekstrak biji ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.). Akan tetapi, ekstrak murni biji ketumbar mudah menguap dan kurang efektif apabila digunakan secara langsung sebagai repelan Aedes aegypti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variasi konsentrasi gelling agent hidroksipropil metilselulosa (HPMS) terhadap lama waktu perlindungan dan daya proteksi gel minyak biji ketumbar sebagai repelen terhadap Aedes aegypti. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen murni dengan desain posttest-only control group design. Kelompok perlakuan diberi gel minyak biji ketumbar menggunakan konsentrasi HPMS 7,5%; 10%; dan 12,5% dengan 6 kali replikasi. Kelompok kontrol terdiri dari kontrol positif yaitu ekstrak biji ketumbar murni konsentrasi 60% dalam etanol 96% dan kontrol negatif yaitu lengan tanpa
olesan apapun. Analisa data menggunakan uji Mann–Whitney dan Kruskal-Wallis dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa HPMS 7,5% memiliki jumlah nyamuk hinggap paling sedikit selama 6 jam pengamatan dengan rerata hinggap 3,2%. Suhu dan kelembaban ruang penelitian homogen. Penambahan HPMS terbukti memberikan peningkatan daya proteksi dan lama perlindungan yang sebelumnya belum maksimal terhadap nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Konsentrasi HPMS 7,5% sesuai standart Komisi Pestisida (1995) dengan rerata daya proteksinya adalah 97% selama 6 jam. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah gelling agent seperti HPMS dapat menjadi alternatif untuk meningkatkan daya proteksi selama 6 jam perlindungan.

Author Biographies

Winarko Winarko, Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Surabaya

Winarko, SKM., M.Kes graduated from bachelor program in Public Health Sciences (Environmental Health) Faculty of Medicine in 1992. He earned his master’s degree in Master of Public Health Sciences (specialization in occupational health and safety) in Postgraduate School Airlangga University (1999). Experts in the fields of Public Health, Environmental Health, and Occupational Safety and Health (K3) with specialization in the fields of Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health-Safety and Vector Control, Liquid Waste Treatment and have a brevet for it. He has helped the health department, hospitals and the Surabaya City Government in completing operational tools such as AMDAL documents, environmental audits, and various forms of installation, both in current capacity as Head of the Department of Environmental Health, Assistant Director of the academic field as well as consultant staff and Member of the Surabaya City Healthy City Forum. As an outstanding lecturer (2006), and has an educator certificate (2010), he is also active in fostering alumni through the East Java Provincial Health Personnel Council and the Association of Environmental Health Experts and is active as a member of the Surabaya Healthy City Forum since 2010 until now. He also productive in research, community service and scientific meetings. He has submitted a Patent about a Room Air Disinfectant to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and as an Exemplary Sanitarian in the field of Appropriate Technology.


Irwan Sulistio, Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Surabaya

Irwan Sulistyo is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Health, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya. His field of interests are entomology, health vector control, environmental health, public health, pest control, pesticides.

He graduated from the Surabaya Environmental Health Academy (1996), Bachelor of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, and Masters in Parasitology and Health Intomology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University. Work experience of PDAM Delta Tirta Sidoarjo laboratory staff (1996-1997), instructor at the Surabaya Environmental Health Academy (1997-2012) and a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Health, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya (2012-now) Another experience he has is as a supervisor for pesticide management who compiles strategic environmental studies in Health Program Trainers (TPPK).

Rusmiati Rusmiati, Polytechnic Health Ministry of Health Surabaya

Rusmiati, S.KM, M.Si is a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Health at the Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Surabaya. Her field is environmental health and teaches courses on Environmental Risk Analysis, Environmental Health Impact Analysis, Environmental Risk Management, and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. She earned a Bachelor of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University in 1996 and earned a master's degree in Environmental Science in the Postgraduate Program at UNS with a concentration in Environmental Health in 2006. Until now, she has been productive and active in research, community service and scientific meetings and has obtained two works of Intellectual Property Rights.


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How to Cite
Ogotan Z, Winarko W, Sulistio I, Rusmiati R. Daya Proteksi Minyak Biji Ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) dalam Basis Gel Hidroksipropil Metilselulosa sebagai Repelen Aedes aegypti. ASP [Internet]. 4Jul.2022 [cited 3Jul.2024];14(1):29-4. Available from: