• Made Lely
  • Tati Suryati



 Development in the health field today in addition to aiming for healing and recovery also to improve health and prevent the incidence of a disease in the community. The hospital is a place to provide health services for the community. The quality of health services can be seen from several perspectives: the perspective of the health care provider, the perspectives of the funder, the perspective of the owner of the health care facility and the patient's perspective. While patient satisfaction is the level of satisfaction experienced by patients after using health services. Quality of health services and customer satisfaction are the indicators of hospital service success. The purpose of this study was to know the description of patient satisfaction of referral of outpatient at District Hospital, Regional Hospital and Provincial Hospital. The study was conducted with cross sectional design, using questionnaire instrument. The respondent is an outpatient at the hospital who has finished receiving the service or finished treatment at the hospital, where if the patient age ≤ 15 years or difficult to communicate there must be a companion. Data retrieval is done by direct interviews to the patient or the patient's companion. The result of the research shows the description of satisfaction respondent/outpatient exit interview in the hospital that overall more than 80% of respondents /outpatient satisfied to service given in the hospital. Respondents/outpatients who work more satisfied than those who do not work, and non-PBI participants are more satisfied than the PBI participants. The conclusions of this study, most of the respondents / outpatients in hospitals are satisfied with the services provided by the hospital.  

Keywords: outpatient perception, service quality, hospital


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How to Cite
Lely M, Suryati T. PERSEPSI PASIEN RAWAT JALAN TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN DI RUMAH SAKIT. bpk [Internet]. 31Dec.2018 [cited 2May2024];46(4). Available from: