• Majematang Mading Loka Litbangkes Waikabubak
Keywords: Areca catechu L., An.vagus larvae, hitopathologi midgut


Anopheles mosquitoes is main vector of malaria and filariasis. The use of bioinsecticide is an alternative way to reduce the negative impacts of synthetic insecticide. Areca catechu L. seeds contain secondary metabolites that have bioinsectisidal effects. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of A.catechu L. seed extract on An. vagus larvae midgut. This study was a laboratory experimental research that designed as post test only control group design. A.catechu L. seed from Southwest Sumba Regency was extracted using ultrasonic methods. Larvae used in this study were Anopheles vagus instar III or early IV that devided into seven groups of the extract concetration (500; 1250; 2000; 2750; 3500; 4250 and 5000 ppm) and control group to find out the toxicity of the extract. Each group consists of twenty five larvae. The histopathology of larval midgut was stained with Hematoxyllin-Eosin and observed using light microscopy 24 hours after exposure. Histopathological examination of larval midgut showed the mild, moderate and severe damages on larval midgut after 24 hours exposure. Areca catechu L. seed extract can lead to changes in damage larval midgut. Areca catechu L. seed extract can be recommended to be used effectively as a natural larvicidal mosquito control program.


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How to Cite
Mading M. PERUBAHAN HISTOPATOLOGI MIDGUT LARVA An. vagus (DIPTERA : CULICIDAE) AKIBAT PAPARAN EKSTRAK BIJI PINANG (Areca catechu L). bpk [Internet]. 31Dec.2018 [cited 2May2024];46(4). Available from: