Characteristics of Acute Transfusion Reactions and its related factors in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat
  • Elida Marpaung
  • Stephen Diah Iskandar
Keywords: blood transfusion, acute transfusion reaction, transfusion history, age


Latar belakang: Reaksi transfusi akut (RTA) merupakan sekelompok kejadian yang tidak diinginkan akibat pemberian transfusi darah. Manifestasi dari RTA bervariasi dari yang ringan hingga mengancam nyawa. Saat ini, data mengenai reaksi transfusi di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas. Dalam studi ini, kami bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai karakteristik RTA dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.

Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi retrospektif yang melibatkan 288 subyek dengan RTA. Studi dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, dimulai sejak Januari hingga Desember 2017. RTA dikelompokkan berdasarkan sistem tubuh yang mengalami manifestasi, serta derajat manifestasinya.

Hasil: Sel darah merah merupakan produk darah utama yang ditransfusikan ke subyek, diikuti dengan konsentrat trombosit, plasma segar beku, dan kriopresipitat. Lima gejala utama dari RTA adalah gatal, demam/kenaikan suhu tubuh, menggigil, urtikaria, dan angioedema. Berdasarkan sistem tubuh yang terkena, umumnya RTA bermanifestasi sebagai gejala pada kulit (56.6%). Berdasarkan derajat manifestasinya, RTA umumnya dikategorikan dalam derajat ringan (55.9%). Anak-anak cenderung mengalami manifestasi yang ringan (64.8%) dan utamanya bermanifestasi pada kulit (65.4%). Riwayat transfusi mempengaruhi derajat RTA secara signifikan. RTA derajat sedang dan gejala konstitusional lebih banyak ditemukan pada subyek yang mendapat PRC dibanding produk darah lainnya.

Kesimpulan: Umumnya RTA bermanifestasi sebagai gejala dermatologi. Hanya sedikit kasus RTA yang disebabkan oleh reaksi inkompatibilitas. Manifestasi dan derajat RTA juga dipengaruhi oleh umur, riwayat transfusi, dan jenis komponen darah. 

Kata kunci: Transfusi darah, reaksi transfusi akut, riwayat transfuse, usia




Background: Acute transfusion reactions (ATRs) are a group of adverse events caused by blood transfusions. Manifestations of ATRs vary from mild to life threatening. At present, data about transfusion reactions in Indonesia are still limited. In this study, we aim to determine the characteristics of ATRs and its related factors.

Methods: This was a retrospective study of 288 subjects with ATRs. The study was conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, started from January to December 2017. ATRs were categorized based on the body systems affected and degree of manifestations.

Results: Packed red cells (PRC) was the predominant blood product (51.4%) which was transfused to subjects, followed by thrombocyte concentrate (TC), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and cryoprecipitate. Five most common predominant symptoms of ATRs were pruritus/itch, febrile/increased temperature, chills, transient urticaria, and angioedema. Based on the affected body systems, the majority of ATRs manifested as dermatologic symptoms (56.6%). Based on the degree of manifestations, the majority of ATRs were categorized as mild degree (55.9%). Children tended to have milder symptoms (64.8%), which mostly manifested as dermatologic symptoms (65.4%). History of transfusion affected the degree of ATR significantly. Moderate degree of ATRs and constitutional symptoms were found more common in subjects who received PRC than other blood products.

Conclusion: Most of ATRs manifest as dermatologic symptoms, which represent allergic reactions. Only a small portion of ATRs are caused by incompatibility reactions. The manifestation and degree of ATRs are also affected by age, history of transfusion, and type of blood components. 

Keywords: Blood transfusion, acute transfusion reaction, transfusion history, age


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How to Cite
Wahidiyat, P., Marpaung, E., & Iskandar, S. (2019). Characteristics of Acute Transfusion Reactions and its related factors in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 10(1), 15-20.