• Ashifa Meyta Kristya
  • Laras Sitoayu Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Rachmanida Nuzrina
  • Putri Ronitawati
  • Mertien Sa’pang
Keywords: Food Taboo, Pregnant Women, Tabu Makanan, Ibu Hamil



Food taboo is a hereditary dietary taboo that is not necessarily true. The health problem that can occur due to the food taboo is the lack of nutrient intake for pregnant women. The prevalence of food taboo behavior at Pamarayan Health Center, Serang District, Banten in 2019 was 66%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between food knowledge, education level, socio-cultural environment and history of health problems with food taboo behavior among pregnant women at Pamarayan Health Center. This study used a cross sectional study design by conducting interviews. The sample of this research was 136 pregnant women. Data was collected offline by implementing health protocols. Statistical test using the chi-square test. The results of the study show that pregnant women who behave in food taboo (64%), lack of food knowledge (72.8%), low education level (66.9%), good socio-cultural environment (59.6%) and a history of health problems (72.8%). Factors that have a relationship with food taboo behavior is food knowledge (OR=2,840), education level (OR=2,614), socio-cultural environment (OR=3,402) and a history of health problems (OR=2,428). The conclusiont is that there is a relationship between food taboo behavior with food knowledge, education level, socio-cultural environment and a history of health problems at Pamarayan Health Center. Suggestions for conducting counseling about the food taboo by involving local community leaders.

Keywords: Food Taboo, Pregnant, Women



Food taboo merupakan suatu pantangan makanan terutama pada ibu hamil, secara turun temurun dan belum tentu kebenarannya, sehingga  menyebabkan kurangnya asupan zat gizi. Prevalensi perilaku food taboo di Puskesmas Pamarayan, Kabupaten Serang, Banten tahun 2019 yaitu 66%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan makanan, tingkat pendidikan, lingkungan sosial budaya dan riwayat gangguan kesehatan dengan perilaku food taboo pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Pamarayan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan melakukan wawancara. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu 136 ibu hamil. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara offline dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, ibu hamil yang berperilaku food taboo (64%), pengetahuan makanan kurang (72,8%), tingkat pendidikan rendah (66,9%), lingkungan sosial budaya baik (59,6%) dan riwayat gangguan kesehatan (72,8%). Faktor yang memiliki hubungan dengan perilaku food taboo ialah pengetahuan makanan (OR=2,840), tingkat pendidikan (OR=2,614), lingkungan sosial budaya (OR=3,402), dan riwayat gangguan kesehatan (OR=2,428). Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara perilaku food taboo dengan pengetahuan makanan, tingkat pendidikan, lingkungan sosial budaya dan riwayat gangguan kesehatan di Puskesmas Pamarayan. Saran melakukan penyuluhan mengenai food taboo dengan melibatkan tokoh masyarakat sekitar.

Kata kunci: Tabu Makanan, Ibu Hamil


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How to Cite
Kristya, A., Sitoayu, L., Nuzrina, R., Ronitawati, P. and Sa’pang, M. (2021) “PERILAKU FOOD TABOO PADA IBU HAMIL DAN FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHINYA DI PUSKESMAS PAMARAYAN KABUPATEN SERANG, BANTEN”, JURNAL EKOLOGI KESEHATAN, 20(2), pp. 139-151. doi: 10.22435/jek.v20i2.4669.