Formulasi dan Uji Penetrasi Sediaan Gel Transfersom yang Mengandung Kojyl 3 Amino Propil Fosfat sebagai Pencerah Kulit

  • Septia Andini Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Mahdi Jufri Laboratorium Teknologi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
  • Joshita Djajadisastra Laboratorium Teknologi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Transfersome, Kojyl 3 APPA, Penetration test


Kojyl 3 APPA is a compound used for skin lightening. Kojyl 3 APPA has a good solubility in water. This causes the hydrophilic nature kojyl 3 APPA difficult to penetrate through the skin. Transfersom is a carrier system that can improve the effectiveness of drug penetration. This study aims to formulate, characterize and evaluate transfersom preparations containing kojyl 3 APPA. Further more transfersom formulated in a gel formulation. Preparation gel was tested its physical stability and in vitro penetration test against non transfersom kojyl 3 APPA. Transfersom gel formulation is physically proven stable at room temperature, low temperature and high temperature storage. In vitro penetration tests showed that kojyl 3 APPA penetration loaded in transfersom gel was 11,16% while for non transfersom gel 8,02%


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How to Cite
Andini S, Jufri M, Djajadisastra J. Formulasi dan Uji Penetrasi Sediaan Gel Transfersom yang Mengandung Kojyl 3 Amino Propil Fosfat sebagai Pencerah Kulit. jki [Internet]. 24Aug.2016 [cited 18Apr.2024];6(2):129-36. Available from: