• Teti Tejayanti
Keywords: Socioeconomic, nutrition, mid-upper arm, CED, BMI, nutrition of pregnant women




Latar belakang:  Status  gizi  perempuan  di  Indonesia  cenderung  memburuk.  Hasil  Riset  Kesehatan  Dasar

(Riskesdas) menunjukkan bahwa kekurangan energi kronis (KEK) pada wanita usia reproduksi meningkat dari

13,6 persen pada 2007 menjadi 20,8 persen pada 2013. Ibu hamil yang kekurangan gizi akan berdampak buruk pada bayinya.

Tujuan: Memperoleh determinan status gizi kurang yaitu KEK dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) rendah dari wanita hamil di Indonesia pada tahun 2013.

Metode: Penelitian menggunakan data Riskesdas 2013. Analisis dilakukan dengan multivariat regresi logistik.

Jumlah sampel adalah 7236 ibu hamil. Ibu hamil dikatakan KEK jika pertengahan lingkar lengan atas (LILA) <

23,5 cm dan IMT diukur dengan pendekatan metode Broca.

Hasil: Determinan ibu hamil KEK dan IMT rendah adalah tinggal di perdesaan (AOR 1,20; 95% CI [1,11-1,13]), usia <20 tahun (AOR 1,62; 95% CI [1,60-1,65]), paritas 1 anak (AOR 2,04; 95% CI [2,02-2,06]), berpendidikan rendah (AOR 1,92; 95% CI [0,91-0,93]) dan status ekonomi rendah (AOR 3,36; 95% CI [3,31- 3,41]). Kesimpulan: Pendidikan harus ditingkatkan minimal hingga sekolah menengah atas sehingga pengetahuan gizi ibu meningkat dan kehamilan dini dapat dicegah. Ibu dengan status ekonomi rendah harus menjadi prioritas dalam pelayanan ibu dan upaya intervensi gizi.


Kata kunci: Sosial ekonomi, lingkar lengan atas, KEK, BMI, gizi ibu hamil.





Background: The nutritional status of women in Indonesia tends to worsen. Basic Health Research (Riskesdas)

showed that chronic energy deficiency (CED) among women of reproductive age increased from 13.6 percent in

2007 to 20.8 percent in 2013. Pregnant women who are lack of nutrition will have an impact on their babies. Objective: To determine the determinants of poor nutritional status which are CED and low body mass index (BMI) of pregnant women in Indonesia.

Method: This study used 2013 Riskesdas data. The analysis was done using multivariate logistic regression. The total  sample  was 7236  pregnant  women.  Pregnant  women  with CED are those who  have mid-upper  arm circumference (MUAC) of less than 23.5 cm and BMI was measured by the Broca method approach.

Results: The determinants of pregnant women with CED and low BMI are living in rural area (AOR 1.20; 95% CI [1.11-1.13]), age of <20 years (AOR 1.62; 95% CI [1.60-1.65]), having 1 child (AOR 2.04; 95% CI [2.02-

2.06]), having low education (AOR 1.92; 95% CI [0.91-0.93]) and low economic status (AOR 3.36; 95% CI [3.31-


Conclusion: Education must be improved to at least high school degree, so that the mother's nutritional knowledge will increase, and early pregnancy will be prevented. Mothers with low economic status must be priority in maternal cervices and nutrition interventions.


Keywords: Socioeconomic, nutrition, mid-upper arm, CED, BMI, nutrition of pregnant women


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How to Cite
Tejayanti T. DETERMINANTS OF CHRONIC ENERGY DEFICIENCY AND LOW BODY MASS INDEX OF PREGNANT WOMEN IN INDONESIA. kespro [Internet]. 13Jan.2020 [cited 3Jul.2024];10(2):173-80. Available from: