Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit 2022-01-04T04:19:09SE Asia Standard Time Triwibowo Ambar Garjito Open Journal Systems <p>ISSN <br>2354-868X (Print)<br>2354-8789 (Online)<br>Accredited by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with Decree No. 784/AU1/P2MI-LIPI/11/2017</p> <p>Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit is a scientific journal published by Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit (B2P2VRP) Salatiga, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. The journal publishes original research articles in the field of disease control derived vectors and reservoirs of disease which include epidemiology , biostatistics , administration and health policy ,environmental health , health promotion and behavioral sciences . Articles can be submitted research articles , article research paper , and policy papers . The journal was established in 2009 while online publication has been started from 2015. The journal is published in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit is biannual, open access, peer-reviewed, and online vector-zoonosis journal. Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit aims to serve the updated scientific knowledge for researchers in vector and zoonosis. There is no charge for submitted manuscript as well as for processing manuscript. The journal has been registered with e-ISSN 2354-8789, and p-ISSN 2354-868X and accredited by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with Decree No. 784/AU1/P2MI-LIPI/11/2017.</p> <p>See Google Scholar Profile for Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit by clicking <a title="Profil Google Scholar" href=";hl=id">here.</a></p> <p>Total Citations : 200<br>Total Documents : 89<br>h-index : 6<br>i10-index : 5<br>Impact Factor : 2,18</p> RANCANGAN PRIMER UNTUK DETEKSI VIRUS DENGUE SEROTIPE DENV-3 DAN DENV-4 DENGAN METODE NASBA DAN LFIA 2022-01-04T04:13:41SE Asia Standard Time Dhian Prastowo Asmarani Kusumawati Triwibowo Ambar Garjito Sitti Rahmah Umniyati Mega Tyas Prihatin <p><em>Simple, fast, and accurate early detection is expected to reduce the mortality rate due to dengue infection. The dengue virus RNA detection method using Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification (NASBA) is an alternative method that can reduce the use of a thermocycler. The detection of NASBA amplicons was carried out using the Lateral Flow Assay (LFIA). This study was conducted to prove the effectiveness of the new primer design to detect dengue virus serotypes DENV-3 and DENV-4. In addition, this study was also conducted to measure the sensitivity and specificity of the LFIA method to detect dengue virus serotypes DENV-3 and DENV-4. The initial stage of this research was the isolation of dengue virus RNA from C6/36 cell cultures, then proceeded to design primers for NASBA and LFIA probes. NASBA reactions were performed on dengue virus serotypes DENV-3 and DENV-4 and DENV-4. The NASBA reaction products were then visualized on LFIA and agarose gel electrophoresis. The NASBA method with a new primary design can be used for the detection of dengue virus serotypes DENV-3 and DENV-4 as evidenced by electrophoresis results bands at 196 bp and 144 bp. The LFIA method with probe design can be used for the detection of dengue virus serotype DENV-3 and DENV-4 dengue virus serotype with a positive line on the test line on LFIA. The LFIA method for the detection of the dengue virus has a sensitivity up to a concentration of 10-3 (1 g/μl). The results of this study indicate that the newly designed primers are specific and sensitive for DENV-3 and DENV-4 dengue virus serotypes detection.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Deteksi dini yang sederhana, cepat dan akurat diharapkan dapat mengurangi tingkat kematian akibat infeksi dengue. Metode deteksi RNA virus dengue dengan Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification (NASBA) merupakan metode alternatif yang dapat mengurangi penggunaan thermocycler. Deteksi amplikon hasil NASBA dilakukan dengan Lateral Flow Assay (LFIA). Studi ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan efektivitas desain baru primer untuk mendeteksi virus dengue serotipe DENV-3 dan DENV-4. Di samping itu, studi ini juga dilakukan untuk mengukur sensitivitas dan spesifisitas metode LFIA untuk mendeteksi virus dengue serotype DENV-3 dan DENV-4. Tahap awal penelitian ini adalah isolasi RNA virus dengue dari kultur sel C6/36, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan merancang primer untuk NASBA dan probe LFIA. Reaksi NASBA dilakukan pada virus dengue serotipe DENV-3 dan DENV-4 dan DENV-4. Produk reaksi NASBA kemudian divisualisasikan pada LFIA dan elektroforesis gel agarosa. Metode NASBA dengan desain primer baru dapat digunakan untuk deteksi virus dengue serotipe DENV-3 dan DENV-4 yang dibuktikan oleh pita&nbsp; hasil elektroforesis pada 196 bp dan 144 bp. Metode LFIA dengan desain probe dapat digunakan untuk deteksi virus dengue serotipe DENV-3 dan DENV-4 serotipe virus dengue dengan garis positif pada garis uji pada LFIA. Metode LFIA untuk deteksi virus dengue memiliki sensitivitas hingga konsentrasi 10-3 (1 μg/μl). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa primer baru yang dirancang bersifat spesifik dan sensitif untuk deteksi serotipe virus dengue DENV-3 dan DENV-4. </em></p> 2021-08-30T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## STATUS KERENTANAN NYAMUK Aedes aegypti TERHADAP INSEKTISIDA SIPERMETRIN DI AREA PERIMETER DAN BUFFER PELABUHAN TANJUNG EMAS KOTA SEMARANG 2022-01-04T04:15:35SE Asia Standard Time Ramadani Sukaningtyas Ari Udijono Martini Martini <p><em>An assessment of the use of insecticides needs to be done because of the threat of insecticide resistance problems in the application of vector control for dengue. A descriptive observational study was conducted to determine the susceptibility status of Ae. aegypti against 0.05% cypermethrin insecticide at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang. The study was conducted using the WHO standard bioassay, biochemical, and molecular (PCR) assays. Interviews were conducted with selected respondents to find out the history of insecticide use. The results showed that the susceptibility status of the Aedes aegypti mosquito in the perimeter and buffer area with the WHO standard bioassay test was still vulnerable, with the mortality of Aedes aegypti samples collected from the two study sites being 100%. Biochemical tests showed that 0.05% cypermethrin was still susceptible to Ae. aegypti, with a yield of 100% mortality in both study areas. However, the results of the PCR test showed that homozygous resistance and heterozygous resistance were 80% and 20% respectively in the perimeter region, while in the buffer region it was 40% and 60%, respectively. The results of interviews with program managers showed that 100% of the officers had complied with the standard operating procedure for fogging activities with the insecticides used,&nbsp; i.e. malathion and cypermethrin. Both types of insecticides have been used on a rotational basis. However, the rotation of these insecticides has not been carried out routinely and periodically.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Evaluasi terhadap penggunaan insektisida perlu dilakukan karena adanya ancaman masalah resistensi insektisida dalam aplikasi program pengendalian vektor demam berdarah dengue. Studi observasional deskriptif dilakukan untuk melihat status kerentanan Aedes aegypti terhadap insektisida sipermetrin 0,05% di Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang. Studi menggunakan uji bioassay standar WHO, biokimia, dan molekuler (PCR). Kegiatan wawancara dilakukan pada responden terpilih untuk mengetahui riwayat penggunaan insektisida. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelola program dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Ae. aegypti di area perimeter dan buffer dengan uji bioassay standar WHO masih rentan, dengan kematian nyamuk uji yang dikoleksi dari dua lokasi studi&nbsp; masing-masing sebesar 100%. Uji biokimia&nbsp; menunjukkan bahwa sipermetrin 0,05% masih susceptible terhadap Ae. aegypti, dengan hasil sebesar 100% kematian di kedua area studi. Namun, uji PCR menunjukkan sudah terdapat proses mekanisme menuju resistensi dengan hasil resisten homozigot dan resisten heterozigot di area perimeter adalah 80% dan 20%, sedangkan area buffer adalah 40% dan 60%. Hasil wawancara dengan pengelola program menunjukkan 100% petugas sudah menerapkan standar, operasi, dan pelaksanaan kegiatan fogging dengan benar menggunakan insektisida bahan aktif malathion dan sipermetrin. Kedua jenis insektisida ini telah digunakan secara rotasi. Namun, rotasi insektisida tersebut belum dilakukan secara rutin dan berkala</em></p> 2021-06-30T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFEKTIVITAS TANAMAN SEREH WANGI SEBAGAI LARVASIDA NYAMUK Aedes aegypti 2022-01-04T04:19:09SE Asia Standard Time Achmad Farich Agung Aji Perdana Dian Yunita <p><em>Dengue</em><em> Haemorrhagic Fever</em><em> is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus which is transmitted mainly through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Currently, larvicides are an important strategy in dengue vector control. Larvisides are applied to mosquito breeding sites to kill larvae. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of citronella essential oil as a larvicide for Aedes aegypti. An experimental design with a randomized post-test only control group design was applied in this study using the first to fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti as the test material. The concentrations of essential oils applied were 10 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 500 ppm and control with 4 replications for 3 different days. A total of 25 Ae aegypti larvae were used in each treatment and observed for 24 hours. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate (probit test and Kruskal Wallis test). The results showed that all concentrations in the treatment group had significant differences with the control group with p &lt; 0.05. This laboratory test also revealed that citronella essential oil was effective </em><em>to kill</em><em> the fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti with an LC50 of 1.553 mg/L. Citronella essential oil was effective in killing 50% of IV</em><em>th</em><em> instar larvae (LT50) within 3.6 minutes. The results of the chemical composition analysis of citronella essential oil using GC-MS showed citronellal, 2,6-octadien-1-ol, 3,7-dimethyl, and citronellol as the most abundant compositions. Citronella essential oil has potential as an effective botanical pesticide </em><em>to control </em><em>&nbsp;Aedes aegypti larvae.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Demam Berdarah Dengue adalah salah satu penyakit menular yang disebabkan virus dengue yang ditularkan dari seseorang ke orang lain melalui nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Saat ini, larvasida merupakan salah satu strategi penting dalam pengendalian vektor dengue. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efektivitas minyak atsiri sereh wangi sebagai larvasida Aedes aegypti. Metode yang digunakan berupa eksperimental design dengan rancangan randomized post test only control group design dengan menggunakan larva Ae. aegypti instar I sampai IV sebagai material uji. Konsentrasi minyak atsiri yang digunakan yaitu 10 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 500 ppm dan kontrol dengan &nbsp;empat kali pengulangan selama tiga hari berbeda. Masing-masing perlakuan menggunakan 25 larva dan dilakukan pengamatan selama 24 jam. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat (uji probit dan uji kruskal wallis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua konsentrasi pada kelompok perlakuan memiliki perbedaan secara bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol p&lt;0,05. Minyak atsiri sereh wangi pada semua konsentrasi perlakuan efektif dalam membunuh larva Ae. aegypti.&nbsp; Konsentrasi minyak atsiri sereh wangi yang paling baik membunuh 50% (LC50) larva Ae. aegypti instar IV sebesar 1,553 mg/L. Minyak atsiri sereh wangi mampu membunuh larva Ae. aegypti instar IV sebanyak 50% (LT50) pada waktu 3,616 menit. Komponen utama minyak sereh atsiri sereh wangi yang teridentifikasi &nbsp;dengan GC-MS adalah &nbsp;citronellal, 2,6-octadien-1-ol, 3,7-dimetil, dan citronellol. Minyak atsiri sereh wangi dapat berpotensi sebagai larvasida botani yang efektif untuk mengontrol nyamuk Ae. aegypti</em></p> 2021-06-30T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## AKTIVITAS NOKTURNAL Aedes spp.VEKTOR DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE DI KOTA SEMARANG 2022-01-04T03:12:08SE Asia Standard Time Retno Hestiningsih Govinda Restu Syahputra Martini Martini Sri Yuliawati M. Arie Wuryanto Sutra Diyana Susiana Purwantisari <p><em>Sendangmulyo Village is one of the DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever) </em><em>endemic areas </em><em>in Semarang City. Previous studies reported that Aedes spp. active biting at night (nocturnal biting activity) in some areas in Indonesia. This indicates that changes in the blood-sucking behavior of Aedes spp mosquitoes can have an impact on dengue transmission. This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional study design. The study was conducted in 64 houses. The mosquito field collection was carried out using the resting mosquito collection method at 18.00-06.00 WIB. Observations of environmental parameters were also carried out to determine the temperature and humidity of the environment around the breeding grounds of Aedes spp. The results showed that there was a change in Aedes spp's blood-sucking activity from 16.00-17.00 WIB to 18.00-20.00 WIB. The distribution of Aedes albopictus in Sendangmulyo Village was 18% of the total Aedes spp. mosquitoes collected with a Resting Rate (RR) value of 0.98%. The average temperature and humidity in the area were 28.6 °C and 77.2%, respectively. This change in blood-sucking activity in Aedes spp has the potential to increase the risk of spreading DHF in Sendangmulyo Village. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever vector control efforts need to be improved.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Kelurahan Sendangmulyo merupakan salah satu daerah endemis DBD (Demam Berdarah Dengue) di Kota Semarang. Studi-studi sebelumnya melaporkan bahwa Aedes spp. aktif menggigit pada malam hari (aktivitas menggigit nokturnal) di beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Hal ini mengindikasikan adanya perubahan perilaku menghisap darah nyamuk Aedes spp. dapat berdampak pada penularan dengue. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada 64 rumah. Koleksi lapangan nyamuk dilakukan dengan metode&nbsp; koleksi nyamuk istirahat&nbsp; pada pukul 18.00-06.00 WIB. Pengamatan parameter lingkungan juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui suhu dan kelembaban lingkungan disekitar tempat perkembangbiakan Aedes spp. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan aktivitas menghisap darah Aedes spp dari pukul 16.00-17.00 WIB menjadi pukul 18.00-20.00 WIB. Sebaran Aedes albopictus di Kelurahan Sendangmulyo adalah&nbsp; 18% dari total nyamuk Aedes spp yang terkoleksi dengan nilai Resting Rate (RR) sebesar 0,98%. Rata-rata suhu dan kelembaban di daerah tersebut masing-masing adalah 28,6 °C dan 77,2%. Perubahan aktivitas menghisap darah pada Aedes spp ini berpotensi meningkatkan risiko penyebaran DBD &nbsp;di &nbsp;Kelurahan Sendangmulyo. Upaya pengendalian vektor DBD perlu ditingkatkan.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-07-16T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## VAKSIN FLU BURUNG DI MANUSIA SEBAGAI UPAYA ALTERNATIF PENCEGAHAN TERHADAP RE-EMERGING VIRUS H5N1 2022-01-04T03:09:06SE Asia Standard Time Ratih Dian Saraswati Risqa Novita <p><em>A total of 182 human cases of </em><em>avian influenza</em><em> have been reported in Indonesia in the period 2004-2011, with a case fatality rate (CFR) among them of 86%. Various risk factors for </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>transmission have also been identified, including a high population, having many types of poultry (broiler, layer, village chickens</em><em>, etc</em><em>), traditional poultry systems that promote close human relationships, and the presence of several areas in Indonesia which are strategic locations as a place to rest and meet various wild birds. Vaccination is one of the efforts to prevent the re-emergence of H5N1 </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>transmission</em><em>. However, the </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>vaccine for the public is not yet available in Indonesia. The purpose of this review article is to examine the </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>vaccine in humans as a preventive measure against the </em><em>re-emergence</em><em> of </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>in Indonesia, and to determine the progress of developing </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>vaccines. The results of the review show that several </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>vaccine candidates have been approved by WHO, one of which is a vaccine candidate using an isolated virus from Indonesia. This information on the development of </em><em>avian influenza</em> <em>vaccines for humans is useful and can be used as a</em><em>n</em> <em>avian influenza</em> <em>pre-pandemic preparedness in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Sebanyak </em><em>182 </em><em>kasus</em><em> flu burung</em><em> pada manusia</em><em> telah dilaporkan di Indonesia pada periode tahun 2004-2011, dengan case fatality rate (CFR) sebesar 86%. Berbagai faktor risiko penularan flu burung juga telah diidentifikasi, antara lain jumlah penduduk yang tinggi, memiliki banyak jenis unggas (ayam broiler, layer, kampong</em><em>, dsb</em><em>), sistem perunggasan tradisional yang membuat kedekatan hubungan antara manusia, dan adanya beberpa wilayah di Indonesia yang menjadi lokasi strategis sebagai tempat istirahat dan bertemunya berbagai unggas liar. Vaksinasi merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencegah munculnya kembali penularan flu burung H5N1. Namun demikian, vaksin flu burung untuk masyarakat belum tersedia hingga saat ini. Tujuan dari review artikel ini adalah untuk mengkaji&nbsp; vaksin flu burung pada manusia sebagai tindakan pencegahan terhadap kemunculan kembali flu burung di Indonesia, dan untuk mengetahui kemajuan pengembangan vaksin flu burung. Hasil review menunjukkan beberapa kandidat vaksin flu burung </em><em>telah </em><em>disetujui oleh WHO, salah satunya adalah kandidat vaksin menggunakan isolat </em><em>virus </em><em>asal Indonesia. Informasi perkembangan vaksin flu burung bagi manusia ini bermanfaat dan dapat digunakan sebagai kesiapsiagaan prepandemi flu burung di Indonesia. </em></p> 2021-08-27T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## FLUKTUASI DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE TERKAIT VARIABILITAS CUACA DI KLATEN, INDONESIA 2022-01-04T03:02:51SE Asia Standard Time Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto Nur Alvira Pascawati Ajib Diptyanusa Luthfan Lazuardi Alvin Harjono Dwiputro Ariyanto Nugroho <p><em>Klaten Regency is one of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) endemic areas in Central Java. Weather conditions can have an impact on vector dynamics, dengue virus development, and interactions between mosquitoes and humans. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of dengue transmission in twenty-six sub-districts in Klaten Regency based on wind speed, specific humidity, rainfall, and temperature. This study was conducted using a retrospective cohort design based on Giovanni-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) data during the last </em><em>three</em><em> years (2016-2018). The independent variables in this study were: wind speed (m/s), specific humidity (g/kg), rainfall (mm/month), and temperature (<sup>o</sup>C), while the dependent variable was the number of dengue cases in 26 sub-districts in 2014-2014. 2016. Data were analyzed based on monthly patterns and regional patterns using correlation and regression tests with =0.05. The results showed that a total of 1,434 dengue cases were reported during this time period. Weather data analysis revealed that DHF fluctuations were correlated with wind speed in </em><em>four</em><em> sub-districts, specific humidity in </em><em>seven</em><em> sub-districts, rainfall in </em><em>three</em><em> sub-districts, and temperature in </em><em>three</em><em> sub-districts. Specific humidity variation plays a role of 21.8% as the dominant factor that can explain the case of DHF in the Klaten Regency. The results of this study can be applied to mitigate the transmission of DHF by determining preventive actions according to place and time and increasing the early warning system to deal with the threat of DHF outbreaks.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><em>Kabupaten Klaten adalah salah satu daerah endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Jawa Tengah. Kondisi cuaca dapat berdampak pada dinamika vektor, perkembangan virus dengue, dan interaksi antara nyamuk dengan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola penularan DBD di dua puluh enam kecamatan yang berada di Kabupaten Klaten berdasarkan kecepatan angin, kelembaban spesifik, curah hujan dan suhu. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif berdasarkan pada data Giovanni-National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) selama 3 tahun terakhir (2016-2018). Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah: kecepatan angin (m/s), kelembaban spesifik (g/kg), curah hujan (mm/bulan) dan suhu (oC), sedangkan variabel terikat adalah jumlah kasus DBD di 26 kecamatan pada tahun 2014-2016. Data dianalisis berdasarkan pola bulanan dan pola wilayah dengan menggunakan uji korelasi dan regresi dengan α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa&nbsp; total sebanyak 1.434 kasus dengue dilaporkan selama periode waktu tersebut. Analisis data cuaca mengungkapkan bahwa fluktuasi DBD berkorelasi dengan kecepatan angin di </em><em>empat</em><em> kecamatan, kelembaban spesifik di </em><em>tujuh</em><em> kecamatan, curah hujan di </em><em>tiga</em><em> kecamatan dan suhu di </em><em>tiga</em><em> kecamatan. Variasi kelembaban spesifik berperan sebesar 21,8% sebagai faktor dominan yang dapat menjelaskan kasus DBD di Kabupaten Klaten.&nbsp; Hasil studi ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk mitigasi penularan DBD dengan menentukan tidakan pencegahan menurut tempat dan waktu serta meningkatkan sistem kewaspadaan dini untuk menghadapi ancaman KLB DBD.</em></p> 2021-07-30T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## UJI EFEKTIVITAS INFUSA DAUN SIRIH MERAH Piper crocatum ruiz TERHADAP MORTALITAS LARVA Aedes aegypti 2022-01-04T04:10:59SE Asia Standard Time Riwanti Winandasari Ritna Udiyani Tika Sari Dewy Harninda Kusumaningtyas Nita Rahayu <p><em>Indonesia is known as a dengue-endemic country with an increasing number of cases. Appropriate dengue vector control efforts are needed to control the transmission of this disease effectively and efficiently. Botanical larvicide is one type of dengue vector control which is expected to be an alternative as a substitute for chemical larvicides. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of red betel </em><em>&nbsp;(Piper crocatum)</em><em>infusion on the mortality of Ae. aegypti. True experimental design with post-test only with control group was used in this study. The test was carried out by dividing the sample into two groups, including the red betel infusion group and the control group (with aquadest), the observations were carried out for 24 hours. The results of the study showed that the larvacide test of red betel leaf infusion had an effect on 12 to 24 hours, and there was an increase in mortality of Ae. egypti for 24 hours. The humidity of the test room is one of the factors that can affect the results of the study.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara endemis </em><em>d</em><em>engue dengan jumlah kasus yang terus meningkat.&nbsp; Appropriate dengue vector control efforts diperlukan untuk mengendalikan penularan penyakit ini secara efektif dan efisien. Larvasida botani merupakan salah satu jenis pengendalian vektor dengue yang diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif sebagai pengganti larvasida kimia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh infusa sirih merah</em> <em>(Piper crocatum) </em><em>&nbsp;terhadap mortalitas larva Ae. aegypti. True eksperimen design dengan post test only with control group digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membagi menjadi dua kelompok sampel, meliputi kelompok&nbsp; infusa sirih merah dan kelompok kontrol (dengan Aquadest), pengamatan dilakukan selama</em> <em>24 jam.&nbsp; Hasil studi menunjukkan Uji larvasida infusa daun sisrih merah berpengaruh&nbsp; pada 12 sampai dengan 24 jam, dan terdapat peningkatan mortalitas larva Ae. egypti selama 24 jam. Kelembaban ruangan uji menjadi salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil studi.</em></p> 2021-07-30T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## STUDI CROSS SECTIONAL TENTANG PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP MASYARAKAT TENTANG PENGGUNAAN LETHAL OVITRAP DI KOTA SALATIGA 2022-01-04T02:54:49SE Asia Standard Time Aryani Pujiyanti Arif Suryo Prasetyo Wiwik Trapsilowati Wening Widjajanti Mujiyanto Mujiyanto <p><em>Lethal ovitrap is a new alternative in dengue vector control (Aedes spp.) that needs to be socialized to the public. A study of community knowledge and attitudes towards the use of lethal ovitrap as a vector control tool is required as initial data before field application. The purpose of the study was to describe the knowledge and attitudes of the community towards the use of lethal ovitrap before it was applied in the field. An analytical description study with a cross sectional design was conducted in Pulutan Village, Salatiga City. A total of 107 respondents were taken by proportional random sampling</em><em> to be interviewed</em><em>. The results showed that 54.30% of respondents had low knowledge and 57.05% of respondents had a less supportive attitude towards the application of lethal ovitrap. In general, the knowledge and attitude of the community towards lethal ovitrap as a vector control tool is still low. Knowledge and gender variables were shown to be significantly related to the supportive attitude given by the community to the application of lethal ovitrap. Education about lethal ovitrap needs to be done before installing lethal ovitrap in the community.</em> <strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Lethal ovitrap merupakan salah satu alternatif baru dalam pengendalian vektor dengue (nyamuk Aedes spp.) yang perlu disosialisasikan ke masyarakat. Studi tentang pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat terhadap penggunaan lethal ovitrap sebagai alat pengendali vektor diperlukan sebagai data awal sebelum aplikasi lapangan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat terhadap penggunaan lethal ovitrap sebelum diaplikasikan di lapangan. Studi deskripsi analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional yang dilakukan di Kelurahan Pulutan, Kota Salatiga. Total 107 responden yang diambil secara proportional random sampling untuk di wawancarai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 54,30% responden memiliki pengetahuan rendah dan 57,05% responden memiliki sikap kurang mendukung terhadap aplikasi lethal ovitrap. Secara umum pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat terhadap lethal ovitrap sebagai alat pengendalian vektor masih rendah. Variabel pengetahuan dan jenis kelamin terbukti secara signifikan berhubungan dengan sikap mendukung yang diberikan masyarakat terhadap aplikasi lethal ovitrap. Edukasi mengenai lethal ovitrap perlu dilakukan sebelum pemasangan lethal ovitrap di masyarakat. </em></p> 2021-07-30T00:00:00SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement##