Uji Anti Virus Senyawa Kurkumin dan PGV-0 pada Virus Dengue-2 dengan RT-PCR

  • Dewi Marbawati
  • Siti Rahmah Umniyati
Keywords: Dengue, Curcumin, Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0), RT-PCR


Treatment of Dengue patients today are to relieve symptoms because specific therapies and effective anti-viral drugs
have not been found. Curcumin is known has anti-viral activity, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic and
anti-cancer. Curcumin has a weakness that is sensitive to acidity (pH) and light, so curcumin analogues that is
pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) was made in order to obtain better anti viral activity. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of curcumin and PGV-0 on vero cells infected by Dengue-2. This research was conducted in the
laboratory of parasitology Faculty of Medicine of Gadjah Mada University in January-September 2013. Experimental
studies using RT-PCR test to determine the presence of Dengue-2 antigen. Dengue-2 virus propagated in C636 cells
and then infected in vero cells to further treated with curcumin and PGV-0. The incubation period of Dengue-2
infections performed for 1 and 3 days. The results of RT-PCR showed Dengue-2 antigen was seen in the 3-day infection
period in the treatment of curcumin. This result indicates PGV-0 has potential antiviral better than curcumin.

How to Cite
Marbawati D, Umniyati S. Uji Anti Virus Senyawa Kurkumin dan PGV-0 pada Virus Dengue-2 dengan RT-PCR. blb [Internet]. 31Oct.2018 [cited 5May2024];12(1):15-2. Available from: http://ejournal2.litbang.kemkes.go.id/index.php/blb/article/view/702