The effect of ethyl acetat fraction of Caesalpinia sappan L. wood on PC3 cancer cell line : cell viability and migration study

  • Suyatmi Suyatmi Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
  • Endang Listyaningsih Suparyanti Doctoral Program of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
  • Riza Novierta Pesik Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Keywords: Ethyl Acetat fraction, Caesalpinia sappan, prostate cancer, PC3, cell migration


Latar Belakang: Tingginya insidensi kanker di Indonesia, termasuk kanker prostat menimbulkan beban ekonomi kesehatan yang tinggi bagi Indonesia. Pengembangan terapi kanker berbasis sumber daya alam lokal dapat membantu meringankan beban negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  potensi aktivitas anti-kanker fraksi ethyl acetat Caesalpinia sappan L. terhadap sel line kanker PC3 yang merupakan model in vitro kanker prostat.

Metode: Fraksi ethyl acetat kayu secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) diperoleh melalui proses liquid chromatography. Efek Fraksi 9 dari Fraksi ethyl acetat kayu secang terhadap aktivitas anti-proliferasi dan migrasi sel diuji menggunakan desain uji in vitro. Hambatan proliferasi sel diukur dengan metode MTT assay, sedangkan aktivitas migrasi sel diukur dengan metode migration assay

Hasil: Fraksi 9 dari Fraksi Ethyl acetat kayu secang memperlihatkan hambatan proliferasi sel line kanker PC3 dengan IC50:14.99μg/ml. Hasil migration assay menunjukkan pada dosis 10μg/ml Fraksi 9 menghambat migrasi sel line kanker PC3, sedangkan pada dosis 100μg/ml sel line kanker PC3 mati.

Kesimpulan: Fraksi 9 dari fraksi Ethyl acetat kayu secang menunjukkan aktifitas anti-proliferasi dan anti-migrasi yang kuat terhadap pertumbuhan sel line kanker PC3 secara in vitro.

Kata kunci : Ethyl Acetat fraction, Caesalpinia sappan, prostate cancer, PC3, migrasi sel



Background: The high incidence of cancer, including prostate cancer, in Indonesia create a high burden on health economic cost. Development of cancer therapy based on local natural resources may help the country to alleviate the burden. This research aimed to find out the potency of selected compound of Ethyl Acetate fractions of Caesalpinia sappan as anti-cancer  by using PC3 cancer cell line as an in vitro model of prostate cancer.

Methods: Ethyl Acetate fraction of Caesalpinia sappan L.heartwood was prepared using a liquid chromatography method. The effect of Ethyl acetate fraction 9 on anti-proliferative and cell migration activities was assessed using MTT assay and migration assay.

Results: Fraction-9 of Ethyl Acetate fraction of Caesalpinia sappan L. wood showed inhibition of PC3 cancer cell line proliferation. The IC50 of the fraction was 14.99μg/ml. The migration assay showed inhibition of cell migration on dose 10μg/ml compared to the 0 doses, while most of the cells cultured was dead when treated with 100μg/ml Fraction 9.  

Conclusion: Ethyl Acetate fraction 9 of Caesalpinia sappan L heartwood possibly has anti-cancer properties based on its anti-proliferative and anti-migration activities against PC3 cancer cell line.

Keywords:  Ethyl Acetate fraction, Caesalpinia sappan, prostate cancer, PC3, cell migration


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How to Cite
Suyatmi, S., Suparyanti, E., & Pesik, R. (2020). The effect of ethyl acetat fraction of Caesalpinia sappan L. wood on PC3 cancer cell line : cell viability and migration study. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 11(2), 100-105.