Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Tersedia pada Penduduk Lanjut Usia Wilayah Perkotaan di Indonesia

  • Roy Glenn Albert Massie Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya dan Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jalan Percetakan Negara No. 29 Jakarta 10560, Indonesia
Keywords: Lansia, Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan, Elderly, Health Services Access



Penelitian tentang akses lanjut usia (lansia) terhadap pelayanan kesehatan telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yang sama maupun berbeda. Diperlukan suatu hasil gabungan analisis penelitian dan dapat dijadikan inferensi pada parameter yang dapat diinterpretasi. Dalam kajian ini dilakukan meta-analisis akses kesehatan publik bagi lansia di wilayah perkotaan yang tersedia pada tingkat fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama. Diidentifikasi kata kunci dari topik yang ada pada kepustakaan melalui pembacaaan abstrak secara berulang kali. Dilakukan pencatatan hasil inferensi, kemudian dipilah sub-topik yang dipikirkan penting dan berhubungan. Ringkasan kepustakaan dibuat sesuai dengan urutan dan relevansi topik masing-masing variabel, yang disesuaikan dengan sub-topik terkait. Akses pelayanan kesehatan terhadap lansia sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan sumber daya kesehatan, peralatan yang memadai dan program yang sesuai. Lansia kurang memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan disebabkan oleh jarak fasilitas kesehatan yang cukup jauh dari tempat tinggalnya dan tidak ada yang mengantarnya. Masih ada lanjut usia yang tidak pernah memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan dasar gratis. Sebagian kecil lansia mengakses informasi promosi kesehatan melalui media sosial. Fasilitas umum yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh kelompok lansia namun masih kurang terkait ketersediaan tenaga, alat medis, obat, laboratorium dan kondisi fisik serta dana operasional puskesmas. Perlindungan terhadap sosial bagi lansia juga dilakukan oleh organisasi masyarakat dan keagamaan (misal kerjasama gereja dan kelurahan) dan bantuan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perusahaan. Kebijakan pemerintah dan sumber daya di fasilitas kesehatan mempengaruhi akses pelayanan kesehatan terhadap lansia. Perlindungan sosial dan pemberdayaan ekonomi beperan dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia. Komunikasi, Informasi dan Edukasi Kemitraan Pemerintah dan swasta, termasuk LSM perlu dilakukan terus menerus. Dukungan dan bimbingan oleh Pemerintah Daerah melalui berbagai kegiatan promosi dan proteksi kesehatan pemenuhan akses pelayanan kesehatan bagi lansia melalui kerjasama lintas program dengan sektor terkait perlu tingkatkan.

Kata kunci: Lansia, Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan


Researches on the access of the elderly to health services have been carried out by using the same or different methods. Therefore, a combined result of research analysis is needed and can be used as an inference and it can be interpreted. The objectives are to study through a meta-analysis of public health service for elderly through assess the available at the puskesmas level; to identify where the information and knowledge of health obtained by elderly; the decision making of elderly when they are suffering from illness, and the availability of health services for elderly at puskesmas, and the social empowerment and economic support. In the literatures and documents the keywords were identified and inferenced the results by creating sub-topics. The summary of the literature review was made and consented to the order and relevance of the topic in each variable, which is adjusted to the related sub-topics. Access to health care for the elderly is highly dependent on the availability of health resources, adequate equipment in the appropriate program. There are elderly who do not use the health services available at health facilities due to the distance of the health facilities that are quite far from where they live and there was no one drives them to health facility. Therefore, even the health service was free for charge, the elderly had not used it. Many elderly obtained a benefit of health promotion through the social media. In puskesmas there were lacks of availability of medical devices, drugs and medical supplies, laboratories, including the operational cost for eldery’s health services. Public – private collaboration on social protection for elderly was existed such as from churches support including other social supports namely Corporate Social Responsibility program from private sector. The policies, infrastructures, and resources in the health facility were affected to the access of elderly. Social protection and economic empowerment have a potential role in improving the quality of life for the elderly. Improving the health service for elderly at puskesmas are urgently needed. Health services quality for elderly provided by public health institutions should be fulfilled particularly on the human resources capacity. Support and guidance by the local government through various health promotion and prevention activities and cross-program collaboration with related sectors should be boosted.

Keywords: Elderly, Health Services Access


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How to Cite
Massie, R. (2019). Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Tersedia pada Penduduk Lanjut Usia Wilayah Perkotaan di Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan, 3(1), 46-56. https://doi.org/10.22435/jpppk.v3i1.130