Focus and Scope

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan (JPPPK) or Journal of Research and Development in Health Services is a journal developed to disseminate and discuss the scientific literature and other research on the health services.

This journal is intended as a medium for communication among stake holders on health services research, such as researchers, educators, students, practitioners of Health Office, Department of Health, Public Health Service center, as well as the general public who have an interest in the matter. 

The journal is trying to meet the growing need to study health services.

JPPPK publishes outstanding articles reporting the findings of original researchs and developments that expand understanding of the wide-ranging of health care; the analysis of scientific data secondary, policy analysis, review (review) the latest topic in the field of health services comes in the areas of:
1. Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices; 
2. Human Health Resources; 
3. Traditional and Complementary Health Services, Health, Quality and Accreditation Service Facilities; 
4. Primary Health Services and Referrals.