• Paisal Paisal Balai Litbang Kesehatan Tanah Bumbu
  • Nita Rahayu
  • Annida Annida
Keywords: Filariasis, POPM, Perilaku Minum Obat


Sekitar 886 juta orang di dunia berisiko terkena filariasis dan membutuhkan obat pencegahan. Ada lebih dari 14 ribu orang di Indonesia menderita filariasis kronis pada 2014. Kasus filariasis di Kalimantan Selatan pada 2017 sejumlah 55 kasus, dengan kasus tertinggi ditemukan di Kabupaten Tabalong yaitu 30 kasus dan Kabupaten Barito Kuala sebanyak 16 kasus, sedangkan di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara tidak dilaporkan adanya kasus. Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara sudah melakukan pemberian obat pencegahan massal sebanyak dua tahap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perilaku minum obat massal filariasis di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara. Penelitian ini memiliki desain potong lintang. Waktu pengambilan sampel yaitu pada September 2017. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Desa Pihaung dan Desa Banjang. Rumah dipilih dengan teknik systematic random sampling. Semua orang yang ada dalam rumah, yang memenuhi kriteria sampel diwawancarai. Sebanyak 620 orang terpilih menjadi responden, terdiri dari 283 laki-laki dan 337 perempuan. Responden yang ikut pengobatan massal filariasis hanya 453 (73%) orang. Ada 40 (8,8%) responden yang tidak minum obat yang didapatnya, dengan alasan takut efek samping. Hampir seluruh responden minum obat di rumah (96,9%) dan diminum malam hari (91,8%). Kualitas pelaksanaan program pemberian obat pencegahan massal perlu diperbaiki agar responden mau minum semua obat yang didapatnya dan meminumnya di depan petugas kesehatan.


Around 886 million people in the world are at risk for filariasis and need preventive medicine. In Indonesia, more than 14 thousand people were found suffering from chronic filariasis in 2014. In South Kalimantan, 55 cases were found in 2017, with the highest rates were in Tabalong Regency (30 cases) and Barito Kuala Regency (16 cases). Whereas in the Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, no cases were reported. Hulu Sungai Utara Regency has administered mass prevention drugs in two stages. This study aims to analyze the behavior of taking medication for filariasis in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. The design of this study is cross sectional. The sample was taken in September 2017 which was done in Pihaung Village and Banjang Village. The house was chosen by systematic random sampling technique. All people in the house who met the sample criteria were interviewed. A total of 620 people was selected as respondents, consisting of 283 men and 337 women. Only 453 (73%) people took part in the mass treatment of filariasis. There were 40 (8.8%) respondents who did not take the medication they got, because they were worried about side effects. Almost all respondents took medication at home (96.9%) and were taken at night (91.8%). The quality of the implementation of the mass prevention drug administration program needs to be improved so that respondents want to take all the drugs they get and take them in front of the health worker.


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How to Cite
Paisal P, Rahayu N, Annida A. PERILAKU MINUM OBAT MASSAL FILARIASIS DI DESA PIHAUNG DAN BANJANG, KABUPATEN HULU SUNGAI UTARA. sel [Internet]. 30Nov.2019 [cited 3Jul.2024];6(2):90-0. Available from: