How to control the sexually transmitted diseases in Benjina?: qualitative studies on the practice of prostitution

Keywords: sexually transmitted disease, prostitution, customary law, Sasi, traditional customs


Latar Belakang: Prostitusi yang muncul bersamaan dengan industri besar menimbulkan masalah kesehatan, masalah sosial ekonomi, dan budaya. Artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan praktik prostitusi di Benjina dan mengeksplorasi potensi untuk mengendalikan dampak penyakit penularan melalui hubungan seks.

Metode: Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnografi. Wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipatif dilakukan terhadap 30 informan yang terkait langsung dengan praktik prostitusi di Benjina.

Hasil: Tidak ditemukan lokalisasi di Benjina. Praktik pelacuran ditemukan sebagai hal yang biasa di tempat yang disebut rumah karaoke yang menyediakan peralatan menyanyi sederhana, minuman keras, dan layanan seksual. Ada 46 pekerja seks perempuan yang bekerja di 12 rumah karaoke. Faktor ekonomi ditemukan sebagai faktor dominan yang mendorong para pelaku pelacuran, di samping balas dendam. Ada beberapa kendala dalam menggunakan kondom dalam praktik pelacuran ini. Di antara mereka adalah bentuk fisiologi penis yang mengalami modifikasi, dan hubungan pekerja seks khusus dengan kekasih mereka. Ada potensi Sasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai upaya untuk mengendalikan penyakit penularan melalui hubungan seks.

Kesimpulan: Sasi sebagai hukum adat berpotensi menjadi hukum positif untuk menerapkan kondomisasi secara keseluruhan di Benjina.

Kata kunci: Penyakit menular seksual, pelacuran, hukum adat, Sasi, adat istiadat.



Background: Prostitution that appears together with massive industry raises health problems, socioeconomic problems, and culture. This article was intended to explore factors related to prostitution practices in Benjina and explore the potential for controlling the impact of sex transmission disease.

Methods: This qualitative study was carried out with an ethnographic approach. In-depth interviews and participatory observation were carried out on 30 informants who were directly related to the practice of prostitution in Benjina.

Results: No localization was found at Benjina. The practice of prostitution was found to be commonplace in a place called karaoke houses that provided simple singing equipment, liquor, and sexual services. There were 46 female sex workers who worked in 12 karaoke houses. Economic factors were found to be the dominant factor driving the perpetrators of prostitution, in addition to revenge. There are some obstacles to using condoms in this practice. Among them were the forms of penile physiology that experience modification, and the relationship of special sex workers with their lovers. There was a Sasi potential that can be used as an effort to control sex transmission disease.

Conclusion: Sasi as a customary law has the potential to be a positive law to implement condomization as a whole in Benjina.

Keywords: sexually transmitted disease, prostitution, customary law, Sasi, traditional customs.


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How to Cite
Laksono, A., & Dwiningsih, S. (2019). How to control the sexually transmitted diseases in Benjina?: qualitative studies on the practice of prostitution. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 10(1), 58-66.

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