Increasing serum miR-124-3p expression is associated with the high survival rate of a rectal cancer patient after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy

  • Sri Nuryani Wahyuningrum
  • Christina Hari Nawangsih Priharsanti
  • Sofia Mubarika Haryana
  • Ahmad Ghozali
Keywords: rectal cancer, chemoradiotherapy, miR-124-3p, survival


Latar Belakang: Kanker kolorektal menempati urutan ketiga penyebab kanker di dunia, dengan prevalensi kanker rektum sebanyak 30% dari total kasus. Saat ini belum ada biomarker yang efektif untuk memprediksi respon pasien terhadap terapi yang diberikan. Beberapa penelitian menggunakan potensi miRNA sebagai biomarker untuk melihat respon terapi. Salah satunya yaitu MiR-124-3p berperan sebagai tumor supresor yang mengalami penurunan ekspresi pada berbagi jenis kanker. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti ekspresi miR-124-3p dari pasien kanker rektum yang menerima nCRT, dan menganalisis hubungannya dengan kelangsungan hidup pasien dan parameter klinis lainnya.

Metode: Penelitian ini melibatkan 15 orang pasien yang didiagnosis menderita kanker rektum lokal dan menjalani kemoradioterapi neoajuvan (radioterapi 45-50 Gy dengan fraksi 1,8-2 Gy selama 1-3 bulan, dan kemoterapi 5-fluororacil secara oral). Sampel penelitian berupa darah intravena sebanyak 5 ml diambil saat sebelum dan sesudah kemoradioterapi. Selanjutnya ekspresi miR-124-3p dianalisis menggunakan qRT-PCR dan dikalkulasi menggunakan metode Livak.

Hasil: Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara peningkatan ekspresi miR-124-3p dengan sintasan hidup pasien (P=0,003; OR =30, 95% CI = 1,41 – 638,15), serta adanya peningkatan ekspresi miR-124-3p yang signifikan (P<0,041, fold change sebelum=1,14 ± 1,25; sesudah=2,4 ± 1,84) setelah dilakukan kemoradioterapi.

Kesimpulan: Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa miR-124-3p berpotensi menjadi biomarker untuk memprediksi sintasan hidup pasien kanker rektum yang menerima kemoradioterapi. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2019;10(2):90-5)

Kata kunci: kanker rektum, kemoradioterapi, miR-124-3p, sintasan hidup



Background: Colorectal cancer is the world’s third most prevalent cancer, which 30% of cases are rectal cancer. Today, the effective diagnostic marker to accurately predict clinical outcome patients response to therapy did not found yet. Several research studies have indicated that miRNA potential as a prognostic biomarker. MiR 124-3p plays as tumor suppressor that significantly down-regulated in some cancer and could radiosensitize human colorectal cancer cells. The aim of the study is to investigate the expression of miR-124-3p from rectal cancer patient who receive nCRT, and analyze its association with patient survival and others clinical parameters.

Methods: This research involved 15 patients with histologically confirmed locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) and received neoadjuvant chemotherapy/nCRT (radiotherapy 45-50 Gy with 1,8-2 Gy fractions over 1 to 3 months and chemotherapy 5-fluorouracil was administered orally). Patient blood (5 ml) were collected from peripheral venous before and after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. miR-124-3p expression was performed using qRT-PCR and calculate using Livak method.

Results: In this study, we found that increasing of miR-124 was significantly associate with high survival of rectal cancer patient (P = 0,003; OR =30, 95% CI = 1,41 – 638,15). Average of miR-124-3p expression increase significantly after nCRT (P<0,041, fold change before=1,14 ± 1,25; after=2,4 ± 1,84).

Conclusion: Our finding suggests that miR-124-3p expression in blood serum was potential as biomarkers to predict rectal cancer patient survival after neoajduvant chemoradiotherapy. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2019;10(2):90-5)

Keywords : rectal cancer, chemoradiotherapy, miR-124-3p, survival


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How to Cite
Wahyuningrum, S., Priharsanti, C. H., Haryana, S., & Ghozali, A. (2019). Increasing serum miR-124-3p expression is associated with the high survival rate of a rectal cancer patient after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Health Science Journal of Indonesia, 10(2), 90-95.

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