Author Guidelines


All manuscripts should be sent to the Editor of Bulletin of Health System Research through the Online Submission in this address If authors have problems while sending the manuscript online, please contact the Editor at the email

Bulletin of Health System Research involves articles by the themes of seven sub-systems of Health and Health Humanities such as : 1. Health Effort, 2. Health Research and Development, 3. Health Financing, 4. Health Human Resources, 5. Pharmacy, 6. Health Management, Information, and Regulation, 7. Community Empowerment, and, 8. Health Humanities.

Only articles which are not published yet or will not be published in other media will be accepted.

Click here to download Author(s) Statement of Ethics form.

Click here to download templates for manuscrip

Manuscripts Review Process

Each manuscript submitted will be reviewed independently by at least two reviewers . The decision for publication, change, or rejection is based on the recommendation of the reviewers. If two or more reviewers consider manuscripts submitted are not worthy to be published in this journal, will be sent a letter regarding this decision within three months from the date of submission manuscripts.

Manuscripts Revision Process

Manuscripts returned to authors for revision should be returned without delay to the editor. Revised manuscript may be sent to the editor via the Online Submission Interface ( Revised manuscript and returned late to the editors of more than three months will be considered as a new submission.

Office of Bulletin of Health System Research Editor

All correspondence sent to the address:

Bulletin of Health System Research

Center of Research and Development for Humaniora and Health Management

Ministry of Health the Republic of Indonesia

Jalan Indrapura No. 17 Surabaya 60176 Telp. (031) 3528748



Authors should complete the form as detailed as possible with the star marked fields must be filled. After all filled, click the Register button to register. Then the author will be brought to the Online Submission interface and click the "New Submission" button. For starting a New Manuscript Submission, follow the steps below:

  1. Step 1. Starting the Submission: Choose appropriate journal section, in this case, choose article.
  2. Step 2. Uploading the Submission: To upload a manuscript to this journal, click Browse and choose manuscript file to be sent, then click Upload button. To continue the process click Save and continue button.
  3. Step 3. Entering the Submission's Metadata: In this step, enter the metadata writers in detail. Including the manuscript title and abstract.
  4. Step 4. Uploading Supplementary Files: Additional files should be uploaded as well. Click the Browse button, select the file and click the Upload button. Click Save and continue to go to the next step.
  5. Step 5. Confirming the Submission:  The author should do final check for the manuscript that have been uploaded. To send this manuscript to Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, click the Finish Submission.

After submitting the manuscript , the author will receive a receipt via email.